Bernd Schwarz

Thank you so much that you sent me the data concerning my eyes before my laser surgery. Now I can pass it on. It's great that the data is still available after 20 years.

I am doing fine, my eyes too and I can see well. However, I do wear glasses (age-related farsightedness) with Vario lenses. But my distance vision is better than 20/20 and up close I can read even the smallest letters.

At this point, I would like to thank you again for the excellent operation and the very good care in the years afterwards.

Angela Simmen

My glasses were often in they way especially during my leisure activities. Contact lenses were a good alternative but putting them in was not only hard, I also had to deal with red eyes a lot of the time. Despite individualised corrective lenses, I was never really satisfied with the quality of my vision.

Already in the first weeks as a medical office assistant in Dr. Stammbuck's practice, I had the opportunity to speak with many satisfied patients about their operation. That made the decision to let myself be operated on in December of 2014 easy.

Today, one month after the operation, my visual acuity is 20/15. This can't even be compared to the 20/22 vision I had with corrective lenses.

The newly gained "visual freedom" is a dream. I don't have to clean any glasses any more or fumble around with lenses in my eyes. I simply wake up in the morning and see everything clearly.

Thanks to my personal experience with laser surgery, I can advise our patients even better and on a more personal level.

Thomas Walker

After almost 20 years, putting in my contact lenses had become a necessary routine.

After my girlfriend began working at Dr. Stammbuck's practice, she regularly told me about the positive feedback from patients. As my final misgivings concerning my aero medical check-up were eliminated, nothing more stood in the way of the operation.

On the day after the operation on the right eye, I was already able to see contours better then with the eye that had not been operated on. Now more than 4 weeks have passed since the operation and my visual acuity is 20/17. It should therefore not be surprising that every day since the operation, I am still delighted with the results.

Rebecca Vonzun

Finally a ray of hope!

Red, stinging, watering and irritated eyes – that was everyday life for me when there was even just a little wind or when I had slept too little. What's more, the doubtful alternatives of uncomfortable glasses or contact lenses – which I preferred even though they are more damaging to the eyes. During the almost eighteen years in which I was dependent on my lenses every single day because of my really serious nearsightedness, my already sensitive eyes became even more sensitive and susceptible to infection.

It is not really surprising then that the ever widespread promises of laser surgery – and with it the possibility of doing away with all types of corrective lenses – became more and more attractive. But: I still hesitated. After all we were talking about my eyes, something one only has two of. Wasn't the risk of losing my eyesight or having irreversible damage too great meaning I would regret the operation for the rest of my life?

This went on until I saw Dr. Stammbuck last year in autumn for an eye examination – again because of another annoying eye infection. "Have you ever thought about laser surgery?" Yes, I had. But up until now it had always been a reality that was worlds away and not anything that I could consider seriously. On the spot I decided that it was time to show some courage and signed up for the operation. Which I regretted soon after. The closer I got to the date, the more frightened I became.

During my last examination before the operation, I saw the medical office assistant Ms Angela Simmen sitting in front of her computer screen with sunglasses on. "Yes, I just had the operation a few days ago," she confirmed. And I was able to ask her everything I had been wondering about. It really is better to talk to someone who had this experience personally! On this day, I left the practice very reassured and swore to myself to tell anyone who was interested about my own experiences in detail because this had offered me such incredible relief!

The day of the operation finally came and I admit that I was a bundle of nerves when I arrived at the practice. But then everything was different from what I had expected: A few eye drops later, my eye was numbed and I was strapped to the stretcher under a strange machine. The doctor poked me in the eye a few times with a small probe, which was more fascinating than strange as I couldn't feel a thing. Then the laser: a few seconds of bright, flashing light – almost like in a science fiction film. And that was it. Bandaged up and done. No shots, no pain, just lying there for half a minute and then I was able to go home.

Two days later it was the second eye's turn. At first, my visual capacity got worse every day. Soon I didn't see much of anything and the pain also increased gradually. But with the provided medication that I received for exactly this case, it really was not a big problem. The prophesied week therefore went by more quickly and more smoothly than expected and I soon realised that my vision was becoming more clear hour by hour. My euphoria was tremendous.

And now, almost three weeks after the surgery, I see almost perfectly although my visual acuity will develop even more. Now I can see far away and even perceive details which wouldn't have even grabbed my attention before with lenses. A wonderful experience from start to finish and through and through that I am 100% certain has been worth it. Thank you so much for sound preparation, the excellent care and the competent support from the beginning!

Nadja Michel, Küssnacht am Rigi

"Right after I began working at the Dr. Stammbuck practice in November of 2011, I met so many enthralled patients that had already undergone laser surgery in this practice that I also soon decided to let myself be operated on. Although I had quite a number of concerns, I remained steadfast and had both eyes operated on shortly before Easter and Good Friday. I did expect my visual function to be better, but I never would have dreamt of having a visual acuity of 20/17 with my own eyes just a week after the operation. Before the surgery, I barely had 20/200 vision without contact lenses and only 20/22 with them. My eyes were also constantly red and tired with high intraocular pressure. Now my eyes are more white than ever before, the intraocular pressure has stabilised and my newly acquired vision seems almost like a dream to me. Even my parents, who gently tried to persuade me from my set intention, have recently become the keenest laser eye surgery devotees . Now in October 2012, 5 months after the procedure, my visual function in both eyes is 20/11."

Claudia Suter

"Woooooow Fay (Dr. Stammbuck's daughter). I can see clearly now!!! At least with my right eye. Tomorrow is the left one's turn. I am blown away like I'm on drugs!!! I love your father! The colour explosions that you can see during the surgery are amazingly gorgeous! This is what I imagine an LSD trip is like. Wow! My eyes are doing great! When I was walking into the train station a little while ago, I was able to read the display panel! Crazy! I am truly overjoyed that I finally went through with this operation! It's just everyday business for your dad, but for me it's a miracle! After wearing glasses and contact lenses for 20 year, I can see the world better and more clearly than every before! Every detail! That is priceless!"

Alexandra Brändli

I can offer only my heartiest recommendations for laser eye surgery performed by Dr. Stammbuck. His many years of experience, competent consultation and calm and confident manner allow no doubt that he is among the best in his branch. They prepared me for the operation in the best possible way - here I'd like to express high praise to Dr. Stammbuck's office assistant Ms Michel - and examined my eyes several times afterwards to make sure everything was properly healed. Being able to see so clearly without glasses and lenses is simply brilliant. I'm still glad I did it every day.Bernd Schwarz

Thank you so much that you sent me the data concerning my eyes before my laser surgery. Now I can pass it on. It's great that the data is still available after 20 years.

I am doing fine, my eyes too and I can see well. However, I do wear glasses (age-related farsightedness) with Vario lenses. But my distance vision is better than 20/20 and up close I can read even the smallest letters.

At this point, I would like to thank you again for the excellent operation and the very good care in the years afterwards.